Events & News

Events & News2025-01-28T16:43:54+00:00

We offer a series of retreats for both public and professionals. These focus on wellbeing and serenity.

We offer time, care, reflective space and the personal experience of our evidence-based serenity tools.

The retreats include time to pause and recharge batteries, time to share, as well as learning of evidence-based tools to regulate the nervous system; scientifically proven psychological techniques; as well as emotional processing tools to help understand and manage the depth behind feelings and express them within a non-violent communication approach.

To find out more email:



Mireille Hayden appears in the BBC News Article

Grief and death event to help people cope with loss. BBC news covers Gentle Dusk Bereavement training. The training welcomed by local health professionals, received praise from Clinical advisor for South West Ambulance Service, who believes that "death is not talked about enough".

12th May, 2024|

Walking with Grief Spring Service

Walking with Grief is a unique series of free nature walks that help people deal with bereavement. Our Spring service will begin mid April 2023. Once a week for seven weeks participants will take a therapeutic walk with a

23rd January, 2023|
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